This is inspiring me to do the same! Most random thing in the depths of my freezer is a pint container of shallot confit that I cooked with a whole chicken and then froze the chicken shallot fat after … frittata, fried rice, stir fries and noodle dishes are favorite ways to use up pantry bits

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omg the shallot confit sounds amazing I bet it would be so good in something stewed? beans? or like smeared in a panini? yum

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dried apricots :( I feel that. Just moved in with a new housemate and spent all week marrying our pantries, pouring lentils into containers with more lentils of similar but not the exact same color. Anyone have a good idea for FOUR separate containers of dried cumin?

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omg......the tyranny of cumin.....there are always four containers!!!! one funny thing about having done a good handful of artist residencies is that there is ALWAYS some sort of cabinet in the kitchen with the food that's been leftover from past residents, and there are ALWAYS about four jars of cumin, three half-full bottles of apple cider vinegar. Personally if I had three extra jars of cumin I would bring them to the closest community fridge, or post them on a buy nothing group. Of course, you could make a spice mix, or rub, and dedicate yourself to using it. But I think sometimes the wisest thing we can do is accept our losses when we need to.....and pass on the extra jars of cumin.

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My pantry is also full-to-bursting. Freezer too. One of my goals is to be better about labeling containers and bags in both locations. Sigh.

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ugh I need to be better about this too! but I always lie to myself saying I will remember....

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I'll be following with interest! During the pandemic I had a whole list of ideas for cooking from my pantry... but somehow I still have a freezer and pantry full of stuff. Lots of beans, chives, dried mushrooms, fruit, etc.

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Oh man you just reminded me I have a bag of HUGE dried mushrooms, I need to use them up.....

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I’ve got two bags of very old dried chiles I need to do something, anything with. A very small amount of polenta and lentils, and fish stock in the freezer that needs to be used yesterday. But I love shopping the pantry! I go through enthusiastic phases of it and then lulls but it feels good to use what you have.

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