Hello dear readers—
I write you today to request your kitchen quandaries, your culinary bugbears, your deepest needs and fears. I’ve long wanted to offer some sort of mini kitchen advice column in this newsletter, and this week fran said you should do a mailbox edition of mess hall, and I thought oh, you’re right.
So—send me your questions! They can be as specific (how do i make a salad dressing? what is the best chili flake? I have the shoppies, what cookbook should I buy?) or as esoteric (what IS cooking and why are we doing it?) as you like.
You can either respond to this email or fill out this google form. Once I have enough questions, I will answer them! I’m very excited.
I’ll be back later this week with a Q&A with one of my favorite cookbook authors.
Until then!
xo Marian